Thursday, March 7, 2013

(Fw:) A Message from the Grey Pilgrim

The following is a passage taken from "The Quest of Erebor", found in J.R.R. Tolkien's Unfinished Tales, which was written after the publication of The Lord of the Rings, and was intended to serve as a more objective, big-picture retelling of The Hobbit narrative. This time, the tale is told to Frodo and his companions by Gandalf, who attempts to fill in the holes left open in Bilbo's version.

This passage in particular, in which Gandalf describes his choosing Bilbo to accompany the Dwarves on their adventure, stands out to me as an excellent example of what Tolkien called "applicability", and should serve as an encouragement to parents, educators, ministers - to all who share a burden for preserving the good in our ever-waning humanity.

'And then there was the Shire-folk. I began to have a warm place in my heart for them in the Long Winter, which none of you can remember. They were very hard put to it then: one of the worst pinches they have been in, dying of cold, and starving in the dreadful dearth that followed. But that was the time to see their courage, and their pity one for another. It was by their pity as much as by their tough uncomplaining courage that they survived. I wanted them still to survive. But I saw that the Westlands were in for another very bad time again, sooner or later, though of quite a different sort: pitiless war. To come through that I thought they would need something more than they now had. It is not easy to say what. Well, they would want to know a bit more, understand a bit clearer what it was all about, and where they stood.  
'They had begun to forget: forget their own beginnings and legends, forget what little they had known about the greatness of the world. It was not yet gone, but it was getting buried: the memory of the high and the perilous. But you cannot teach that sort of thing to a whole people quickly. There was not time. And anyway you must begin at some point, with some one person. I dare say he was "chosen" and I was only chosen to choose him; but I picked out Bilbo.'

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